TREY makes the
World a better place
TREY is 100% funded by donations from people like you – individuals, churches and businesses who are committed to restoring hope and transforming lives. Every young woman is welcomed into our program free of charge, Your donation will transform a life!
Secure donations can be made in any of the following ways:
1. Interac e-transfer through your online banking to:
*please indicate your email and mailing address in the memo of your e-transfer so we can ensure you receive a donation receipt for tax purposes.
2. Mailing a cheque to
PO Box 25063
Truro NS
3. Through Canada Helps. You can make a one-time or recurring monthly donation to TREY and receive your charitable tax receipt instantly.
Have you heard of our monthly “Changemakers” donor program? click to learn more.
Charitable Number: 806051769RR0001